Finland Top 100 Google Street View Subscribe to our YouTube channel! Street ViewRatingGoogle cause a horse to go wild?+31Aurora Borealis+17This is how you do laundry in Finland+11Happy little dog barking+8Google cars take a break in Helsinki+7Zombies scare Google in Finland+5Lost something in Helsinki?+5How Google take selfies+5Hot day in Finland+4Posing for Google in Finland+4Top 10 Finland+3Outdoor rug cleaning+3Two-headed reindeer+3Sunny Finland+3Why finnish military run faster+3Short skirt bus ride in Tampere+2Arrested in Finland+2Military aiming at cars in Finland+2Finland has a message for google+2Car missed the bridge...+2Small car in Finland+2Red UFO in Finland+2Helsinki is on StreetView+1Reindeer crossing the road+1Water tower?+1