Tag: underwater
Walk on water test to church
Swim with dolphins in Brazil on Google Street View
Dive at Aquarius Reef Base, Florida Keys on Google Street View
The Florida International University manages the Aquarius Reefbase which is a fantastic underwater habitat utilized by marine biologists and astronauts for research and training purposes.
Dive into the ocean with new Google Street View images from Mexico, Monaco and the US
Catlin SeaView Survey have announced the addition of new underwater images from around the world. The images are now included on Google Street View. You can take a look at what’s beneath the surface at the Larvotto Marine Reserve in Monaco, Sian Ka’an in Mexico and the San Francisco Bay shoreline in the US. Some of the amazing images we’ve found so far we’ve included here. More to come.
Monaco Larger
Isla Contoy, Mexico Larger
More images & list of locations for the new ocean Street View images