Ghost of a woman appears on Google Maps and the apparition becomes a highlight in YouTube video

Brazil Strange things Video · Reply


The following image is another way that can prove the existence of ghosts, and it was taken in the city of União da Vitória – Paraná. Check out the text sent via email by the user about this ghostly apparition, translated from Portuguese to English.

Hello Jhonatas Skriven, my name is Denis, I live in União da Vitória, south of the state of Paraná, I bring you this image from Google Maps here in my city that is attracting a lot of attention, it is a house in a certain neighborhood, where in the past this house was very well known because the deceased owner practiced several spiritual works there, and now the question remains, is she still there? Note that in the image we do not see the head or legs, as if the person were hovering in the air.

[…] Source: Jhonatas Skriven – YouTube

Vídeo in portugese: (Starts at 1:39)