Second google maps car leaves google headquarter in 2009

USA · 2 comments

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It’s fine #19

Croatia · Reply


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Thank you lawmakers

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Ship google car

USA · 2 comments

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The mysterious Ojo del Delta

Argentina Satellite images Strange things · Reply

El ojo is a small circular island in the Delta do Paraná (Argentina) that rotates on its own axis. The island is located inside a circle-shaped lake.

Not enough research has been done yet. In popular culture, the island is associated with mysteries and paranormal events.


Over time, it changes route, and to view it, it requires the use of the Weather Regulator, available on Google Earth Pro.

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VW Saveiro Cross body travel

Brazil Cars People · Reply


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Google Takes nice night drive near Los Angeles, CA

USA · Reply


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Street View Car in Spain

Google crew, car etc Spain · Reply


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Rain in Omaha, Nebraska

USA · 2 comments


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Google parks and Tricycle comes out of the trailer taking photography

Google crew, car etc USA · Reply


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