Larger (thanks Dennis)
Category: Sports
3 skateboarders
Playing ping pong
Wilhelm Tell practise bow and arrow with a friend
Skydiving with Google Street View
Now you can jump out of an airplane on Google Street View. These images are from the business Skydive Abel Tasman in New Zeeland. Follow the Street View arrow down to earth.
Olympic Whitewater Venue
This is where the 2016 olympic whitewater canoe and kayak athletes will pass through a series of gates to compete for the medals.
Where the 2016 Olympic games opening ceremony will take place
Estádio do Maracanã in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil is now on Google Street View. This is where the opening ceremony of the 2016 summer Olympic games will take place. It’s also where to watch the fútbol (soccer) games.
Oregon State football practice
Larger (thanks Mitchell)