Category: Movies & TV
Cosby Show house
Docs house
10 items or less
This is the REAL location of the set of 10 Items Or Less on TBS. They film the show in a real grocery store. “Jons” in Reseda, California.
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A Christmas Story House
This is the actual house where the movie “A Christmas Story” was filmed. It has recently been fully restored to the state it was in during filming. Read more at
Find Matt Damon on the sidewalk
Boise Idaho is not Palookaville! The day the Google car went through downtown happened to be the day (July 30th 2007) that Matt Damon was in Boise for a charity pre-screening of the Bourne Ultimatum. Here is a link to the local paper article;
Great hunt to try to find Matt on the sidewalk!
Looks like he is in here somewhere (below). If you click on NE in the image above you see this crowd (below) and some security guards.
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(thanks to Dan P.)
Google crew catches a movie/tv show being filmed?
its hard to tell but the silver mercedes looks to be one of those film vehicles they use to make movies…notice the contraption on top. and if you zoom in you see people holding signs and walkytalks….also the cops barricading the street off is a giveaway too
Scandal Queen
Two movies (Notes on a Scandal, The Queen) combined into one. Link
Darth Vader & Stormtrooper
Link (thanks eric)
ET Phone Home
ET can be seen at the top of this car on Mapjack. Link
(thanks mapmole)