We made it! As promised we posted atleast 4 street view images per day in May!! Thanks to everyone who helped us acheive this. It was a huge success with more images submitted than ever and a big spike in traffic to the site. On average we actually posted almost 5 images per day. Last year our average was 1 per day. On January 1st we promised 2 per day in 2021.
So, what will we do in June? We plan to continue to aim for 4 per day in June aswell. At the moment we don’t have as many images scheduled as we did in early May when we started all of this. This means it may not be possible for two months straight. But we will give it a try!
You can participate and help us reach this goal for another month. Submit images you’ve found! Again, thanks to all contributors!
Yes. Why Not?
No best of May?
It’s been created, so it should be posted sometime this week.
Oh cool!
I have sent you so many images recently and before that if you publish only 4 of mine a day, it will be enough for a while.
I hear you and I’m thinking about some ideas to let most if not all submitted images get published (not on the frontpage though).
For now, there are some images from you that have been published recently and more scheduled to be posted within the next couple of days. That said, we don’t add all images. On average less than 20 % of images get approved. Reasons why an image may not get approved are listed here: https://www.streetviewfun.com/success/
you gonna do a best of june anytime soon?
Yes, it’s been delayed unfortunately. But it will happen soon.
Put mine on the and of June, please.
i live in mumbai.
hey have you done best of august and september? i wasnt on here for a while, so i asked
It’s coming within the next two weeks.
alright cool
I got a question (I thought I’d ask it here because why not): Did you know that you’re “Top Contributors” page doesn’t show the contributors? At least that’s what it says for me. It’s been like that for a while now.
It is working again. There will be some improvements to it soon.
Ok cool