It’s now around 15,50 swedish kronor (regular petrol) per litre. That’s $6.16 USD per gallon.
I stand corrected. Keep forgetting that Google images could be a couple years old. LOL
I see there’s a McDonalds next to the gas station, so how much does a Big Mac cost in Stockholm. LOL
Found it on a site where they compare gas prices around the world. Maybe there’s a similar site comparing Big Macs.
Funny you should ask, I found this on the web, thanks to Google. Sweden is not the most expensive Big Mac but the US price seems a bit high. (Maybe it’s the Big Mac meal). Judge for yourselves. LOL
Stockholm gas (85% ethanol) E85
13.32 Swedish Krone = $1.40 USD, 3.78 liters = 1 gallon, 3.78 x $1.40 = $5.29 USD / gallon,18.0127001,3a,51.2y,347.59h,108.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swGciKfVbYxk_9mdjOPEXMQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
It’s now around 15,50 swedish kronor (regular petrol) per litre. That’s $6.16 USD per gallon.
I stand corrected. Keep forgetting that Google images could be a couple years old. LOL
I see there’s a McDonalds next to the gas station, so how much does a Big Mac cost in Stockholm. LOL
Found it on a site where they compare gas prices around the world. Maybe there’s a similar site comparing Big Macs.
Funny you should ask, I found this on the web, thanks to Google. Sweden is not the most expensive Big Mac but the US price seems a bit high. (Maybe it’s the Big Mac meal). Judge for yourselves. LOL