Guess what happened to this building? Guess what this is USA April 14, 2017April 4, 2017 by sashafromdonetsk sashafromdonetsk · Reply What it looked like in February 2015: Larger How about next year in August 2016? [spoiler]Shaved! [/spoiler] Please wait... Similar Street View images New information about the request for “HELP” photographed on Google Maps that went viral on social media What happened to this abandoned hotel in Prague? Just somebody laying on a hill Pimp My Ride Covid-19 test drive through Google camera twist Not sure which way to turn? Sleeping guys in Los Angeles, California😴 Eight-wheeled Jeep BREAKING NEWS: Satellite image on Google Maps attracts attention with a call for “HELP” in Los Angeles and goes viral on social media CaliforniaLos Angeles