The moon is out early…

UK · 2 comments

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2 thoughts on “The moon is out early…”

  1. Seriously WTF, a mooning outside a PRIMARY SCHOOL?

    Here’s a reminder for the guy in the pic. Technically, he could have been exposing himself to CHILDREN. Even if there are no children visible, this scene is bound to have been seen by CHILDREN who attend the school as well as others.

    Parents of pupils at the school might have a good mind to break every bone in his body.

    I know there’s an invasion of privacy issue, but this takes the biscuit. Time and again, British people have mooned Google DURING THE COURSE OF THEIR EMPLOYMENT. This doesn’t seem to have happened in other countries, yes not even Ireland. And, in this case, it was in the course of employment in a CHRISTIAN organisation, outside a PRIMARY SCHOOL. Only here in the UK.

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