We are experiencing extremely heavy traffic at the moment to this site. That is why pages might load slower than usual. Sorry… So far today we are getting about 10 times as many visitors as on a normal busy day. This is already the most visitors we’ve ever had on a single day since we started in 2007!
Why are we getting so many visitors today? Well, there is an intense debate going on in Germany at the moment about Street View. A lot of protests. Google have announced that Street View will release images from Germany in November. One weird story about a girl lying on the pavement has also been front page news all over the world this weekend.
During the last two days Streetviewfun.com has for instance been mentioned in a couple of german newspapers, one of the largest newspapers in Sweden (Dagens Nyheter) and PC World. Earlier this weekend we upgraded the server to cope with extra traffic. Some features have been temporarily removed such as rating images, but it will be back shortly.
sounds good man. more traffic is always a good thing, despite side effects like these. thanks for the update 🙂